In case you have never opened a hosting account or you’re switching companies and the new one uses an account management console that you haven’t seen before, you may get confused about how to do a given operation in your account or on your personal computer. That’s the reason why, lots of hosting companies have created a knowledge base, which includes the most common inquiries and issues related to the specific platform they use, instead of including only some general details. Such a knowledge base will allow you to find the right info swiftly and easily, so you won’t need to waste both time and effort on things that may require something as elementary as clicking on a button or checking a tick box. In this way, not only can you get things done, but you can also become aware of tons of new and beneficial details, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the web hosting service works in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
If you have bought your first shared hosting plan through our company or have migrated your site over to us, you’ll become familiar with our services and our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel in no time thanks to the fact that we have prepared an elaborate knowledge base where you can find all the information that you may ever need – both general info with regard to the hosting service as a whole and more concrete info about the different features that you can make use of and the problems that you might chance upon. The articles are available in 2 places. The full article list is accessible via the Help section of the Control Panel. You can find articles that are dedicated to the different features in every section of the Control Panel as well. You can learn how to accomplish virtually everything, from creating an .htaccess config file to administering a mailing list, and all the articles offer elaborate guidelines, so you will never get bewildered on account of an unclear text. Of course, in case you face a more specific obstacle and you do not find an adequate solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our help desk team representatives 24-7-365.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting feature comprehensive online help documentation where you will see information about all the features that our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel offers, together with solutions to different questions and complications that you may face. All setup guides feature exhaustive explanations, which goes to say that you won’t need to worry about omitting something in case you would like to export a MySQL database, for example. The troubleshooting articles include a range of tenable reasons for specific issues and the solution for each one of them, so if you are not able to send email messages although you have the correct outgoing mail server settings, for instance, you can swiftly see what the reason for this may be and rectify the problem with a few clicks in your mail client. As the Hepsia Control Panel has quite a lot of features, you’ll be able to find related articles in each and every section. If you want to browse all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the top right corner of the Control Panel.